Original contemporary artworks for sale

These are our options of contemporary art now available at El Zapote gallery from the selected group of artists actually showing their original works of art for sale online for you.


There are many different ways to explain contemporary art depending on who is talking about it, we say it started after the world war II and it has been in constant development until today. Contemporary art is made up of movements like pop art, conceptual art, minimalism, abstract expressionism, hyperrealism.
Therefore we can say that contemporary art is a group of movements on which artists deny the past and seek a new expressive language based on a different vision of reality, which they no longer imitate, they interpret.
We have plenty options of contemporary artists working in Yucatan today and we will be doing hard our best effort to show their art works on El Zapote gallery online.

You may also want to explore expressionism, impressionism, naïve
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